
The necessity of a national logistics policy in Bangladesh

August 16, 2022 0Courier

The efficiency of the import and export processes is determined by the logistics policy of a State. With a coherent system among the logistics, import and export sectors, dominating the product delivery process, will consistently increase the turn-up profit for a State.

Logistics generally means the process of transportation and distribution of goods from the initial production level to the final destination, i.e., consumers. A national logistics policy is the directive that dictates how the logistics process, such as infrastructure development, customs, transportation, and trade policy of a State, will efficiently operate.

Mitigating crucial bottlenecks is a prime concern of a logistics policy. Since the bottlenecks occur at particular places or jurisdictions, such as port authorities and customs clearance, the logistics policy can detect and mitigate the complications, resulting in enhanced logistics performance in and through the process.

According to the experts, Bangladesh is losing 20% of its export potential owing to inadequate logistical services. The absence of effective logistical legislation is causing the shipping industry to incur higher costs. The rate of delivery of products falls short of expectations, and a comprehensive logistics system would vastly increase the conveyance of goods.

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